Projects Now in Progress
The Seeds for Jubilee Foundation “Oaks of Mamre” Project 2.0–(AUG 2021 to Present): Providing emergency short term help to those at risk of losing safe shelter.
- Inspired by the powerful Hebrew scripture story of Abraham offering food and shelter to three strangers while unaware of their Divine nature, we are continuing our partnership with local faith community leaders to provide direct emergency assistance to individuals and families at risk of losing their safe shelter.
- AIM—Provide short term assistance by directly paying food and/or basic housing expenses (such as 1-2 month’s bills for rent/mortgage, electricity, heat, water and/or 1-2 weeks of groceries) for beneficiaries at risk of losing safe shelter and who are nominated by faith community leaders. This program provides temporary bridge-funding so that longer term solutions can be accessed through other programs.
- PROGRAM RECAP: Thanks to our partnership with pastors nominating those in need, over the past three years, we have been able to provide urgent help to multiple families (mostly elderly women or single moms with children) with compelling stories of hardship, including COVID challenges risking eviction or utility shut-off.
- APPLICATION FOR ASSISTANCE –We encourage faith leaders to sponsor a beneficiary by emailing your contact information and request to foundation Director Tom Lane at with “SFJF Help” in the header. We will then send a short application for you to complete for assistance.
- OUR HEARTFELT THANKS TO DONORS RESPONDING TO THIS NEED THROUGH THE MATCHING FUND CHALLENGE. The Seeds for Jubilee Foundation, from its budgeted resources for this effort, will continue to match donations designated through the following link: “Seeds For Jubilee Short Term Shelter Relief.”
Recently Completed Projects
Promoting a Spirit of “Eco-Psychology” — A Jungian Perspective on The Environmental Crisis–And What We Can Do About It! (and Recent Related Dreams)
A Journey Conferences “Zoom” Presentation (March 6, 2022) by: Jungian Analyst and Eco-Psychologist Dennis Merritt, Ph.D (,, and by Jungian Psychologist Tayria Ward, Ph.D (
Presentation recording viewable at the following link: “Journey Conferences–Moving Toward Wholeness March 2022 Event”
Summary: This program addressed many of the critical issues raised by the recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC’s) report supporting the premise that humanity has a brief (and even more rapidly than experts predicted)closing window to avoid the worst of what has been set in motion. The unequivocal warning — if we don’t change soon, humanity will likely be overwhelmed and unable to adapt sufficiently enough to prevent catastrophic and “irreversible damage!”
Dr. Dennis Merritt offered insights, from his own extensive research in Ecopsychology into the nature of humanity’s dire dilemma and its rapidly mounting problems along with ten practical steps people can take, at various levels, to help in addressing them. He pointed out: “we owe it to the youth who are frightened by their future on the planet to each find an avenue or avenues to take action. We are all in this together. It is a problem created by our species, and we have to come together across all races and nationalities to address environmental problems for our own sake and for the existence of the many species with which we share our beautiful planet.”
Dr. Tayria Ward, who for several years has been mining the collective wisdom of dreams from around the world via a monthly Global Dream Symposium, provided the archetypal container for the conference by considering several recent Big Dreams that speak from the depth of the collective psyche of the urgency of this critical moment and the requisite necessity for immediate action from everyone on the planet. “In this informative Journey Conferences session,” as Tayria put it, “we held our hearts together. We looked at Big Dreams that have come with great insight and clarity, with strong messages for all of us.”
If you missed taking part in this wonderful thought and action provoking event, you still can by viewing now via the link above. We hope you will utilize this program to catalyze dialogue in your own community in order to collaboratively come up with additional ideas we might share with one another. You are invited and encouraged to: (1) Forward the presentation link, with your own comments, to all your contacts who might be interested; and, (2) encourage them to do the same with theirs! (3) Share with us any new actions generated by subsequent community discussions from this presentation.
Our Unfinished Work–Recalling the Spirit of Lincoln at Gettysburg and the use and abuse of the term “Christianity.”
An important biblical perspective on Christian Nationalism by Dr. Charles D. Myers, Gettysburg College Professor Emeritus of Religious Studies and past Recording Secretary for the Revised Standard Version Bible Committee.
As always, the views expressed are those of the presenters themselves. They are intended to stimulate your own individual thoughts, ideas, creativity and actions and may or may not be wholly reflective of those of The Seeds for Jubilee Foundation or Journey Conferences.
Previously Completed Projects
2017-2018 Implementation of Phase I of the Homes for Sudan (HS4S*) Education, Entrepreneurial and Earth-building (E3) Project: Empowering young Sudanese leaders to care for Internally Displaced Persons in the Sudan.
- Partnering with Homes for Sudan (HS4S*) and the Stead Family Foundation to indigenize processes and institutions to educate and empower future Sudanese leaders with entrepreneurial skills to care for their own citizens who have been displaced from their homes by internal conflicts.
- The project completed an important first phase by building the Mayo Women’s Development Center to provide an entrepreneurial community space for women at a camp for internally displace persons before the untimely death of our project director, Dr. Marie Besancon. This project was instrumental in educating over a dozen Sudanese in techniques of earth building structures for resettlement communities. The project also provides a safe space for women of Sudan’s internally displaced communities to be educated in entrepreneurial business processes to promote self-sufficiency.
- You can find the final details on the completed phase of this project supported by The Seeds for Jubilee Foundation at
- Completed Mayo Women’s Development Center–Khartoum, Sudan 2018